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经营模式: 袜子 企业
所在地区: 浙江 诸暨市 草塔镇朱家村鸿润针织
供应产品: 8 条
用户名: 鸿润针织
会员等级: 普通会员
注册时间: 2020-03-12
联系人: 杨金融
联系电话:  登录后可见
手机:  登录后可见
邮箱: 13655755478@qq.com
联系地址: 浙江 诸暨市 草塔镇朱家村鸿润针织
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      创始于2004年 总部位于浙江诸暨——世界袜业基地。 
      舒尔润是国内著名一线品牌,CCTV官方广告合作伙伴。 舒尔润为 旗下核心品牌,专注高端丝袜及高端打底裤,结合国内外女性曲线特征,立足亚洲,辐射全球。它遵循着“品质、性感、时尚、经典”的产品精神,不断追求品牌的创新和突破,每年都有高品质的限量版产品满足国内外高端消费者,从白领精英,事业团队到模特大赛等经历快速健康发展,迄今国内外加盟代理商已超过120多家,已经成为国内外最具发展潜力的高端丝袜、打底裤品牌之一,并引领高端丝袜、打底裤市场的潮流和方向。 
Shu Errun is a famous domestic brand line, CCTV official advertising partners. Shu Errun for flag under the core brand, attention high-end high-end silk stockings and leggings, combined with domestic and foreign women characteristic curve, based in Asia, global radiation. It follows the spirit of "quality, sexy, fashionable, classic," the products and the constant pursuit of brand innovation and breakthrough, every year there are high-quality limited edition products to meet domestic and foreign high-end consumers, from white-collar elite business team to model contest experience rapid and healthy development. So far, domestic and foreign agents to join has more than 120 home has become both at home and abroad, most development potential of the high-end socks, underwear brands, and lead the high-end silk stockings, underwear market trend and direction
诸暨市草塔鸿润针织化纤厂 地址:浙江 诸暨市 草塔镇朱家村鸿润针织 您是第 [3926 ] 位访问者 技术支持:中国袜业网